My son wanted to draw and build numerous lego constructions; and I wanted to finish the household chores and knock myself out with online high-intensity interval (hiit) training.
But we had plans; plus it was our turn to head out, rather than friends coming our way. The bonus? My son got to play with the perfect Alsatian pup, and I had the opportunity for coffee and a chat with my female bestie.
En route, I messaged my Joburg "mom", telling her I'd figured out the reason for my post-op anxiety – traffic noise. It really makes sense when you consider that I last went under general anaesthetic at age 19, after breaking both legs in a car accident on a busy main road (I was cycling to a fitness class at the time).
My solution, in terms of walking routes, has been to find the below: a soothing, nature-heavy route with limited cars passing, if any. #boermaaknplan
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